What And Who Gets Through To You?

What is the music that gets through to you? Do you follow any local artists? There is a lot of music out there vying for our attention. We can't listen to everything so everyone has their own filter system and biases, but beyond that, what is it that draws you to one artist over another? For me it is something in the music that makes me feel like I can trust this person to take my precious time and sing something into my life. Somehow this music we love taps into something universal. We might not have anything to do with this person's life or circumstances, but the human experience itself and the fact that we both make music is enough to transcend barriers, borders, genres, genders, age and attitudes. It's that vulnerabilty that touches me whether it's Simon and Garfunkle or Guided By Voices, Frank Sinatra or Joey Ramone.
     There is some pretty cool vulnerablility I'm hearing in a lot of local music here in Nashville lately. Tonight online I've been chilling with a couple of local diamonds in the rough. A friend posted a really cool little song on my Facebook wall called You Don't Know What It Means by The Healthy Home. It's got that Red House Painters/Sun Kill Moon type vibe that I quite like late at night. This segued into a home demo by Kellsi Howell that is so intimate it feels like you're eavesdropping on something you shouldn't be hearing. It reminds me of Ricki Lee Jones Naked Songs. Those acoustic versions were always my favorite Ricki Lee Jones.  Kellsi will be opening a show for me in Nashville on July 14th. I hope you can make it out. It will be an intimate and rockin' evening of original music.
     Be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you're listening to tonight. Is it something live at a club or venue in town? Or are you listening to your own music collection or maybe that new fangled satellite radio? Or is there a songwriter sitting in your living room playing some songs for you? We'd love to hear about it.

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